Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I'm enrolled in a dental plan! And tomorrow when I fax in my other form I'll be enrolled in a general health plan! I have benefits! :) Kind of exciting I think. :-p Such a nerd. Work at the SSA has been alright. Not much to do to start with. The official training class won't start until September or October... so until then there's only so much I'll be able to do. And it kinda seems like no one there really knows what to do for now. Good planning, eh? I don't even have a desk yet! But, again I know I'm a nerd, I'm kinda excited to have my own desk. Cause I have a silly love of office supplies. And organization. And I'll be able to decorate it! Hee,hee! But they have to promote someone first then I'll get the desk they vacate. Hopefully soon... cause if I had a desk at least I'd be able to look like I was working. ;) Just observing so far. So yea, not super exciting. But it'll be good. Everyone in the office is super nice so far. It's a good place so I think I'll like it. :)

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