Sunday, February 14, 2010

Good Times

Panama was fantastic. My time back in Cabuya was actually really good. It's like by going back now, and not "working" there, I've finally crossed over into just being a friend to a lot of people. We played bingo, I went swimming in the river, relaxed. Joyce had her Christmas party. So it was good. And honestly, it was nice to be there and just do what I wanted. To not worry about visiting everyone and making a great impression. I got to be more me. And the people I didn't want to see, I didn't go visit! What an idea. ;) It was just nice. And Loki is still all healthy and great, which was super nice to see. He totally remembered me. :) I even slept in my old house for my two nights in town. Then I went to the city and got to see Luz and family. That was really nice since I hadn't seen them before I left the first time. Zulai turns 15 in August. Crazy.

Now I'm all moved into my apartment in Spokane with Jenn! And I like it, it's super cute. It kinda still feels like I'm just visiting - I don't think I've quite wrapped my head around the fact that I am staying here. Even though I bought myself and bed and finished unpacking everything today... I like the place. And I think Jenn and I will be good roommates. So yay. :)

And now, I just finished filing my taxes. I'll be getting $586 back. :) Whoo-hoo! I definitely need the money. So yea, things are going really well right now.

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