Monday, May 18, 2009

swine flu

Yes, there is swine flu in Panama. Last count I heard was 54. Apparently we're moving up the list pretty quick. Us volunteers recieved "swine flu kits" sent from the Washington D.C. office. This kit consisted of a mask, antibacterial hand gel, and tamiflu. The tamiflu... we're not allowed to take it unless we're confirmed to have swine flu, not just any 'ole flu. Meanwhile, we have to keep it in a cool, dry place. Riiiiiiiiiight. Oh well. They can see the results of that experiment when we return the box at COS. Lukily for me that's only in 2 and a half months!

Crazy. 2.5 months. I'm still in a kind of denial that I'm leaving. That I have to leave. Sadness. But tomorrow I'm flying to the San Blas islands on the Caribbean. I'm so excited! I've wanted to go there since I got here and finally I get to. And then next month I'm going to go on a trip to Coiba with a bunch of other volunteers. I'm going to enjoy my time here before I go, dammit! Then I'll probably sail to Colombia and fly down to Peru to hit up Machu Picchu and see Lake Titicaca. Good times! :)

Oh, and for those of you who wanted an update, Martinelli won the election. He'll be inagurated in July. The new Vice President, Varela, lives in the same building as my PC Panama Friends host family in Panama City. Oh yea, I gotta live it up every once in awhile. :)

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