Monday, November 12, 2007

Book List

So I´ve added a book list to this blog on the right. Yup, just over there. So if anyone is interested in what it is I´ve been reading down here, there ya go! The book at the top is the most recently read, down to ¨Into Thin Air¨ which was the first book I read when I got here to Panamá. There´s fiction, non-fiction, collections of short stories and essays. Some I loved, a few a didn´t like so much. But yes, I´ve read them all completely. :) If you want info on any of them just let me know and I´ll give you my opinion. I´ll try to keep it updated.

I also sent out one of those mass emails today to give some updates. I´ve been here six months now! Crazy. :)

Sad news for friends out there: my dog Abbey at home in Seattle died. :( I know, I cried. But she was old and sick and it was time.

And lastly, for now, I added more photos to that album linked in the last post. So check them out.

Andrew gets here on Friday!!! Yay!!! :)


Andrea Hobbs said...

I'm very sorry about Abbey. I spent a lot of time with her when she lived with Jimmy in Ballard, and she was a really good dog.

In other news, I swear I saw you on Queen Anne the other day, but I knew you are half way across the world, but it was uncanny. Anyway, I love hearing your adventures, I like to think I'm living vicariously through you!! hehee... Take care, these are the memories that make a lifetime!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I know I'm way late in reading this, but that's still super sad about Abbey. :(

Much love, dear one.